quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2009


I’m as fat as a whale!!!! I should lose weight but I keep gaining. I’m on a new diet but it’s not working at all! I try to stop eat but I am too weak, too fat and too stupid! I can’t even look to the mirror cuz I’m just a monster! Really!!! And now I cannot stop cry, so please could someone just shoot me? You see, my day didn’t even begin and I’m already depress. I cut myself today after such long time; I don’t even know why I did it again. Ahhhhhh, I’m so piss right now! I feel lost and lonely. See, I have a family and they don’t care about me. I have friends but they don’t even know me, not truly. I miss my ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend that actually dumped me for another girl. I keep asking me when I will find love, happiness, and true friends. This can seem like bolshit to you but it’s hurting me right now…too much actually

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Força garota!!!!

Pucca disse...

Sou pessima em ingles (que vergonha =~~